Where have you been Ms.B

My last Blog post was in May 26, 2016!
Why almost 2 years and no posts?
I have been blogging more than 6 years. Everything started with my small Blog of sharing my life here in Switzerland & then from there on I started to Blog about Geneva Events…
Later I discovered Photography myself and eventually my “blog” became my business & things got more serious… .
So out of Ms.B Partytime ( You can have a look onat my old blog which is still public
wwww. msbpartytime.wordpress.com ) came a Ms.B & Lifestyle …. I was sharing my photos, travel stories, thoughts and a lot more.

"Despite the fact that I had 100 000 monthly views on my Blog..."
But then suddenly I got stuck. I felt that all my pictures aren’t good enough, my stories aren’t great and who cares anyway about what Ms.B writes about. Despite the fact that I had 100 000 monthly views on my Blog. But 2016 was a time when Blogging turned to be more popular and more information became available.
Probably one factor was that Instagram became more popular and gave a big boost to new upcoming Bloggers/influencers. Well and since I liked photography and had some decent knowledge of Marketing and Branding I just started to work like crazy.
I completed 3-4 big projects in one month, running around with my camera and trying to deliver the best I could for my clients & yes it made me happy ( I love my work) but … I missed Blogging since writing is like a therapy for me. I get to feel and talk out the things that are in my mind.

But now after learning so many new things, working(probably too much) I began to ask myself: “Am I good enough?” Yes, me who looks so confident, had pretty bad “Confidence meltdown,” and I guess lots of Bloggers can relate to this, first when it is your hobby but then suddenly it is your business, and you are making an income with it, and then how to combine both Work and Blogging? Let’s be honest; I wasn’t ready that out of Blogging you could really start your Business. Since before when I said I have a blog and I am a blogger, some people were looking at me – yeah very good, but what kind of job is that? :D

Iwas struggling, despite the fact that so many wonderful people were asking why I don’t Blog anymore & why I don’t share the pictures I have taken, My answer was no worries soon the new website will come, and I will share it with you.” It was a great excuse to hide my “Confidence meltdown."
Over these 2 years so many things have happened which also have changed me and my life. So I believe that I needed those 2 years to reset myself and realize who is Ms.B now when she is 27 years old and not anymore the 21 years old fearless girl. We all change in time.

My husband and I traveled a lot (Travel stories are in progress), and also been taking thousands and thousands of photos of beautiful and wonderful people.
We also got married (this December it is going to be 1 year since we are married- time flies)
And in between of getting married, we became “homeless” which means that our contract wasn’t extended and we had quite a short time to find a new apartment. And as every Swiss Expat Resident knows, it is mission impossible in Geneva,
So we were “Homeless,” thanks to our good friend we actually had a great place to stay till we found a new home.
And then also we were blessed with the news that we are becoming parents. And today I am a mother of a beautiful baby boy who changed my life.
And I guess today. Thanks to my little boy who made me understand that: “time is priceless, and you can’t buy it.” I am back in the blogging world and ready to share my stories and life.

And today is the day when after almost 2 years the first post is up, and I feel good being back in the “Bloggers” world.
But what am I going to Blog about?
Since over these years, I have improved my knowledge about Blogging and how to turn your blog into business and a lot more, then I will share Blog posts about “Blogging, Marketing, Social media, and Branding.” So if you are interested in reading about this get free webinars and a lot more then please subscribe and bring your blog also to another level.
Also, I am going to share my life & travel stories. Since I feel that I would like to write these memories down and share pictures. Time flies and It will be nice to look back to what we did few years ago and what is going on now. And maybe some of you will also find it interesting to read about.
And of course, everything that I find useful for my followers and people. The one thing I will guarantee is my honest opinion since I have nothing to lose except all these wonderful people who follow and trust me!
Thank you for reading it & if you would like to become part of Ms.B Lifestyle Stories, please subscribe, and I guarantee to keep you updated with my stories/tips and lifestyle.